"How I Celebrated My Weight Loss"

Ysolt Usigan

From well-deserved makeovers to love-related treats, we salute these weight-loss superheroes!

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"I've lost more than 100 pounds and have kept it off for more than eight years. I had many ways to celebrate the success along the way: new clothes every 20 pounds or so, getting my nails done, joining a gym. But probably the best 'treat' I gave myself was my husband!

I joined Match.com shortly after the weight loss, where I had a ton of fun dating and eventually met my now-husband, Mark. We'll celebrate our five-year anniversary in April and I've never been happier."

—Shannon Hammer

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A Wardrobe and Career Makeover

"In 2009, when I lost 17 pounds from switching my diet away from foods that I was sensitive to and were causing me to swell, I celebrated by buying myself a new wardrobe to fit the new me! I went from a 6/8 to a size 2 in jeans—I couldn't keep my old pants up! I never thought my butt could be so small. The best part was that I didn't feel deprived or hungry because I had lots of food choices and could eat the quantity I wanted of the foods that my body could handle.

I was so inspired that I got a doctorate and changed my career; now I am a holistic nutritionist and my virtual practice focuses on identifying hidden food sensitivities by using state-of-the-art testing and cutting edge dietary therapies. In the fall of 2009, my husband and I celebrated my weight loss and our 10-year anniversary by going on a romantic adults-only retreat to Cancun, and I rejoiced in a bikini—the kind I had told him I would never wear again after the second 50-pound pregnancy left me with so much extra weight."

—Elizabeth Yarnell

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Earning Health and Happiness

"Stress was a huge part of why I gained weight. My coping mechanism was to eat for comfort, which just made me depressed and eat more. I was 165 pounds, tired, and miserable all the time. I felt so ugly and lethargic. I was just tired of being tired, and I also had really high blood pressure. I literally woke up one day and said enough is enough. I was desperate to lose weight and I actually researched cosmetic surgeons before I researched personal trainers.

I figured I could spend my money and take the easy road or I could earn it. I trained with Terri Walsh, who helped me realize I wanted to earn my health and happiness more. Ultimately, I lost more than 40 pounds. She changed my life and I could never thank her enough."

—Diane Grohol